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Protección de bosques
Última modificación 2022-10-03T10:00:21-05:00

Steps to keep in mind for the maintenance of green areas

Steps to keep in mind for the maintenance of green areas

Green areas are spaces that stand out in any place since they not only help to beautify the environment but also benefit people.


The World Health Organization recommends locating green spaces in urban areas, as they improve the quality of life in cities and bring both physical and emotional benefits to people. Contact with nature in the middle of the city allows people to relax, reduces stress, and improves the oxygen they breathe.


Forests, gardens, and parks are the green areas located in the city and they require specific care that will prevent them from deteriorating over time. Therefore, it is important to properly maintain these areas to protect and conserve them.


Here are some useful tips for the proper maintenance of green areas:


1. Continuous pruning


In urban green areas, grass grows and it is important to prune it constantly. As far as possible, this activity should be done every 15 days.


2. Proper maintenance of ornamental plants


It is important to know what type of plants are planted, to give them optimal maintenance. In addition, we must know the characteristics of the climate, to water them at the appropriate times. For example, if it is summer, it is advisable to water the plants at night and if it is winter, the most suitable time will be during the day.


3. Plants also need to be pruned and often sprayed. 


4. Clean spaces.


Pick up dry leaves, branches, weeds, garbage is thrown by passers-by, etc. In addition, place visible garbage cans, so that people know to put their garbage and can also separate it, putting organic waste on one side and inorganic waste on the other.


5. Weeding


Eliminates unwanted plants.


6. Pruning trees


The growth of trees must be controlled, especially when they grow in areas several people pass through and can be hit by the branches.


7. Signpost your green area


Help citizens know to walk, so they don't step on the wrong areas.


8. Planting new plants


Include the planting of new plants in your green space project, this will not only improve the image of your community but will also benefit their physical and mental health.


9. Controls pests


Make sure that trees and plants are healthy.


As you can see, taking care of green areas is not a difficult task, but it does require time and dedication. If you do not have the time, hire a company specialized in this activity and leave everything in their hands.


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