On this planting day we had 36 volunteers, who made this task something special,
since with the hard work of all of us we managed to plant 400 native trees within territories that
they are recovering in favor of sustaining the areas surrounding the water ring of the Bogotá River
and its meanders.
Children and adults recognize the importance of activities like this, and contribute a bit to this
project that grows more every day.
Likewise, we thank iNNovum media, Trinidad Amenabar, Productos Glint, Hotel Atelier, Agro Industrial PANIQUESO SA, Hilanderia Fontibon SA, José Rojas - Gráfikas, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Huawei Technologies Colombia SAS, Abiltec, Red Wings, for their contributions NW, supports us in achieving our commitment to the Environment.
Thanks to EVERYONE and EVERYONE, for making this possible.