News of interest





Learn how to create a corporate social responsibility program

Learn how to create a corporate social responsibility program
Corporate Social Responsibility must exist for companies to share a taste for optimization towards sustainable development through strategies that allow that impetus of responsibility of a company at a social and business level because it will always be key to think about a lasting future.   Triple Bottom Line 3BL     This concept refers to the economic, social, and environment... See more...




What does Ecological Social Responsibility consist of?

What does Ecological Social Responsibility consist of?
In the first place, Social Responsibility is born for all those entities that must have a commitment with which a more sustainable economic, social and environmental development is fully complied with, therefore it must act responsibly and there must be an Ecological Social Responsibility.   It is well known that Corporate Social Responsibility must comply with current legal obligations, mu... See more...




What does forest monitoring consist of?

What does forest monitoring consist of?
This concept is transcendental in that "it is considered an integral process that includes the systematic collection, analysis and dissemination of forest-related data, and the derivation of information and knowledge at regular intervals to enable monitoring of changes over time. It focuses on national-level data and information on forests and trees outside forests, their condition, values, a... See more...




What does forestry maintenance consist of?

What does forestry maintenance consist of?
Reforestation maintenance  In this measure, we talk about the vicissitudes to favor the development and growth of all our seedlings, plants, trees. It is indicated that those acts of maintenance should be carried out at least around the third year after the reforestation has been established, to ensure its permanence.  This reforestation maintenance is done using the following types of... See more...




Human pollinators or robot bees?

Human pollinators or robot bees?
The effects of deforestation, glyphosate spraying, and climate change, among others, are influencing the decline of bees in the world. Colombian expert Guiomar Nantes, from the Universidad Nacional, talks about this situation and, in general, about the breakdown of the natural balance in ecosystems, which is the cause of the current pandemic.   Bees are considered the most important pollina... See more...


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