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ONE TREE PLANTED, INC. aporta al cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a través da la siembra empresarial, con el fin de mitigar la huella de carbono y sensibilizar a sus colaboradores en la importancia de mejorar nuestros ecosistemas.

Árboles plantados

Siembra realizada

404.69 KG DE CO2
Aporte ambiental

“En FRDA promovemos una cultura de sostenibilidad con iniciativas que mitigan el cambio climático, protegen la biodiversidad y mejoran la interacción entre los ecosistemas.”

Foto colaboradores de ONE TREE PLANTED, INC.

aumenta el bosque de árboles

This urban forestry project with the support of One Tree Planted & FedEx has the objective to plant 2060 trees in the riverbank of the Rionegro River and the Lotus wetland in order to preserve these water bodies, prevent heat islands and increase biodiversity in collaboration with the local community of the municipality of Rionegro, Antioquia in Colombia.

Fecha: 2023-10-21

Asistentes: 88 personas

País: Colombia 2

Ciudad: Rionegro

Especies plantadas


Suribio (Zygia longifolia)

Species that helps improve soil quality, increase water retention, and reduce soil erosion. Its roots help to loosen compacted soil and enhance its infiltration capacity. It is a nitrogen-fixing species, thus contributing to the proliferation of other species. This can help mitigate the effects of droughts and floods, which are expected to increase with climate change.


Guamo (Inga edulis)

Species of fast growth with a deep root system, which helps control. erosion and protects degraded soils. It is also a nitrogen-fixing species that nourishes the soil and assists other species. It grows along stream banks, channels, and rivers, providing protection to them. This tree is used as shade for coffee plantations and is edible, as the aril surrounding the seed is sweet and fleshy. It is consumed by humans, birds, and mammals.


Guayacán Amarillo (Handroanthus chrysanthus)

Due to its fast growth, Handroanthus chrysanthus is a species widely used in restoration processes because of its rapid growth and easy adaptation to terrains with challenging soil characteristics. It is also regularly planted to stabilize riverbeds due to the strong anchoring of its roots, which act as a barrier to prevent floods.


Quiebrabarrigo (Trichanthera gigantea)

Species that grows in deep, well- aerated soils with good drainage, tolerating acidic pH values and low levels of phosphorus and other elements traditionally associated with low-fertility tropical soils. It is a melliferous species that attracts insects (ants and bees) and avifauna (hummingbirds). It is a fast-growing species, especially useful for protecting water sources and improving the properties of eroded soils.


Guayabo (Psidium guajava)

This specie is used to help in the growth of secondary forests because it can easily adapt to several conditions and has a quick growing rythm. Besides, its fruits attract different types of seed dispersing species that also help to increase the trees coverage and the increase of the trees coverage.


Nogal Cafetero (Cordia alliodora)

Its quick grow rythm is ideal for reforestation processes. It can easily help the development of secondary forests, Besides this is a native specie from Colombia, so it also provides shelter and attracts seed dispersing species.


Foto siembra 1057 fecha 2023-11-14
Foto siembra 1057 fecha 2023-11-14
Foto siembra 1057 fecha 2023-11-14
Foto siembra 1057 fecha 2023-11-14
Foto siembra 1057 fecha 2023-11-14
Foto siembra 1057 fecha 2023-11-14


Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
ODS 1 ODS 11 ODS 13 ODS 15 ODS 1
Bosque de Árboles