News of interest




Última modificación 2022-11-15T10:26:31-05:00



Amazon rainforest is suffering one of its worst pandemics : deforestation. This activity is motivated by the expansion of the agricultural frontier, mining activities and ilicit crops, which takes more and more force, degrading the soil, this causes a fertility loss and for this reason, the economic activities that take place there are not sustainable and expand from parcel to parcel. In the last year, deforestation indicators have increased exponentially.


This is why, since the beginning of 2021, burnings have skyrocketed : nearly 300 fires have been registered in the Colombian Amazon. Large scale forest fires influence global warming because they elevate carbon dioxide levels (CO2), in the atmosphere, increasing greenhouse effect. Among the reasons that have produced this phenomenon are : expansive cattle ranching, human settlements and the action of illegal groups dedicated to mining.


Almost 40% of the Colombian rainforest is deforestated, this means that the risk of damage to our wildlife rises rapidly. « As the forests shrink, we have less rainfall causing dessication, mores fires and forests loss », said Staal. It is estimated that if the Amazon loses 30% of its forest cover, it could be the breaking point for its ecosystem services.


Individual actions can help reduce the negative effect we have on our ecosystems, so we need to be aware of the actions we take every day to lead a lifestyle in harmony with our environment. It is very important to be informed about the crises that are going through the most environmentally rich areas of the country, thus promoting the conservation of these forests and also their cultural diversity.


From the Red de Arboles Foundation, we do everything possible to preserve the environment, because for us it is very important that you find out about everything that happens to our rainforest so you can contribute to our ecosystem’s care.


Together we can help take care of our lung, our oxygen source !


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environmental news in Colombia

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