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Última modificación 2022-11-15T10:21:50-05:00

Deforestation and its impact on wildlife

Deforestation and its impact on wildlife

Deforestation : It’s the destruction and degradation of the forest area due to human actions and activities, mother earth’s resources are used and abused such as cutting down trees, burning supplies, among others.


Consequences : Biodiversity loss, carbon levels in the atmosphere increasement, global warming, soils destruction, decreased air quality, desertification.


Big Shield Against Deforestation

IPS news informs us that forests loss currently represents 8% of the world’s annual carbon dioxide emissions and when carbon stocks in this territories are analized, carbon has not only the highest of limits with areas that don’t contain the same land tenure, but these stocks increase as one enters them, therefore the probability of deforestation is reduced thanks to the indigenous people.  Protected areas and indigenous territories are effective in Colombia and these native people make a direct colaboration to the Nationally Determined Contributions within the framework of the Paris Agreement and that is why they should become recipients of the benefits of the Green Climate Fund.


Human Impact

To a large extent, human being has proven to be a cancer for this planet and for a long time, there has not been a thought about taking care of the environment and what that represents for the preservation of the species, that is why all polluting, toxic, flammable, and dangerous substances used by man are leading us to an environmental decline which is why it must be protected and without producing organisms such as plants and animals, we as humans will disappear in no time.


Deforestation Control

« The Comprehensive Strategy to Control Deforestation and Forest Management CSCD- is country’s commitment to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, promoting sustainable forest administration in Colombia, under a forest management and rural development approach, producing intersectoral actions that help local development and increase ecosystemic resilience, promoting climate change mitigation » Environment Ministry.


Know how trascendental deforestation is and its impact on fauna


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